
"Comprehensive Guide to Non-Surgical Regenerative Treatments"

  It’s time to change Nearly 126 million people worldwide have suffered pain for the past three months. Among them, 40 million people undergo pain every day, and 20 million have severe pain that limits their routine activities. Most people opt for standard traditional treatments such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, and surgeries to eliminate the pain. Unfortunately, these treatments provide relief only for a concise duration. And also may develop serious side effects in long-term use. For example: NSAIDs and steroids promote joint cartilage loss Opioids prove to be too addictive NSAIDs increase the risk of heart attack, kidney failure, stroke, and gastrointestinal bleeding Corticosteroid injections increase the risk of infection, promote further degeneration of weakened tissues, and increase sugar levels in your body Surgeries also lead to more degeneration, followed by the possibility of joint replacement in five

Regenerative Treatments for Shoulder Impingement Relief

  What is shoulder impingement? The main cause of shoulder impingement is shoulder pain. When you lift the arm above the shoulder level, the subacromial space becomes narrow. Hence, the soft tissues, tendons, and muscles surrounding the area will become tired due to increased pressure. This extra pressure aggravates the rotator cuff, and this causes shoulder impingement. As shoulder impingement is common among swimmers, it is also called a swimmer’s shoulder. Shoulder impingement is also present among the racket players and the throwers as they frequently move their arms above shoulder level. It can also occur if someone falls by stretching the arms in the outer portion. Suppose there is damage in the rotator cuff, the heaviness inside the tendon increases, which will lead to the compression of the blood capillaries. Hence, there is an inflammation in the tissues, and the pain slowly starts to aggravate. The pain will travel towards the backside, and you’ll have difficulty sleeping at

"Effective Regenerative Treatments for Runner’s Knee Relief"

  Start running again with Regenerative Treatment for Runner’s knee The Knee joint is one of the most important and strongest joints of the locomotor system of the human body. The pressure experienced by the knee joint is approximately three times the body’s weight when walking and about five times the body’s weight when running. In short, a person who weighs 80 kg puts about 400kg of pressure on the knee when landing each running stride. The immense pressure experienced by the knee, especially in runners, makes the knee more prone to injury. Iliotibial or IT band syndrome, also called runner’s knee, is a common knee injury, especially in runners. It is the second most common knee injury in runners after the jumper’s knee. What is Iliotibial or IT band syndrome or runner’s knee? The Iliotibial band, or IT band, is longitudinal fibrous support of the Fascia Lata. It is originating from the upper outer part of the hip and runs along the outside and lastly attaches to the top of the shinb

"How to Determine the Cause of Your Hip Pain: Key Signs and Diagnosis"

  When people have pain in their hip region, most don’t investigate it right away. A lot of them tolerate the pain, especially if it sustains only for an hour or so. Only when the hip pain crosses the limit, they decide to consult a doctor. By that time, the condition might deteriorate where treatments don’t work due to delay. Physicians ultimately will recommend the patient for surgery due to failure in other conventional treatment methods. ‘Earlier the diagnosis, earlier the treatment’ –  this should be everyone’s motto. Hence, this blog article aims to present the symptoms of varied types of common hip-related problems and raise awareness of potential  hip pain  conditions. So you can get the treatment well in advance. Anatomy of the hip region The hip is a weight-bearing region made up of a ball-and-socket joint. The upper part of the thighbone is the ball region. Similarly, the portion of the pelvic bone is the socket region. Articular cartilage is found beneath this ball-and-sock

"Advanced PRP Treatment for Thumb Osteoarthritis Relief"

  Thumb osteoarthritis is a deteriorating condition, so many people are forced to opt for thumb joint replacement. However, many people are unaware of non-invasive alternate methods for delaying or avoiding thumb joint replacement surgeries. In Medica Stem Cells Clinic, we offer treatment methods that may help you avoid the invasive method of thumb joint replacement with non-invasive therapies for  thumb osteoarthritis . Let us know first what thumb osteoarthritis is before we proceed with the non-invasive methods. How thumb osteoarthritis occurs? Compared to the other fingers, the thumb is distinctive because it can rotate more on its own at the carpometacarpal joint (CMC joint). CMC joint is situated at the bottom of the thumb, and it is commonly known as a basal joint. The thumb joint is held together inside a joint capsule that is filled with synovial fluid. This synovial fluid acts as a lubricant for the smooth movement of the thumb. Thumb osteoarthritis usually occurs in the CMC

"Is Stem Cell Treatment Effective for Osteoarthritis? Key Insights You Should Know"

  Currently, researchers consider stem cells as the possible answer to many medical conditions, especially  osteoarthritis . Their hope is that  stem cell treatment  can stop the progression caused by an ailment by repairing it. However, more research studies are ongoing to determine how stem cell therapy can be more effective and advanced to current protocols. Are you wondering what makes stem cell therapy so unique? Let’s read on. How does stem cell therapy work? Stem cell treatment uses the patient’s own cells to help restore the damaged tissues of your hip or knee joint. Unlike other treatments, stem cell therapy treats the underlying cause of knee pain and other joint pain. Hence, this therapy can reduce joint pain, increase movement, increase flexibility, speed up regeneration, improve blood flow, and treat ligament or tendon tears for a prolonged duration. Adult stem cell therapy is non-invasive and safe. Studies recommend that its side effects are very minimal with no adverse e

"Enhancing Regenerative Treatment with Nutrition: How Effective Is It?"

So, you have decided to opt for   regenerative treatment  towards permanent pain relief. Taking that decision is a good start, but by combining it with non-invasive holistic interventions such as nutritional advice and physiotherapy, you can enhance the effectiveness of the regenerative treatment. Patients often enquire whether diet plays a vital role in improving the outcome of regenerative treatment. The answer is definitely yes! Healthy eating has been linked with several factors, including reduced inflammation, better sleep, lower stress levels, weight loss and improved mood and energy levels.   Regenerative therapy promotes the body’s healing mechanism by targeting the damaged or injured area and regenerating new cells. Good nutrition, which includes all essential nutrients, may prove more effective in helping with recovery post-treatment.  Combining nutritional education with dietary programmes will provide a comprehensive treatment plan that aims to help the recovery process and