
Showing posts with the label shoulderpaintreatment nonsurgical treatment

Regenerative Treatments for Shoulder Impingement Relief

  What is shoulder impingement? The main cause of shoulder impingement is shoulder pain. When you lift the arm above the shoulder level, the subacromial space becomes narrow. Hence, the soft tissues, tendons, and muscles surrounding the area will become tired due to increased pressure. This extra pressure aggravates the rotator cuff, and this causes shoulder impingement. As shoulder impingement is common among swimmers, it is also called a swimmer’s shoulder. Shoulder impingement is also present among the racket players and the throwers as they frequently move their arms above shoulder level. It can also occur if someone falls by stretching the arms in the outer portion. Suppose there is damage in the rotator cuff, the heaviness inside the tendon increases, which will lead to the compression of the blood capillaries. Hence, there is an inflammation in the tissues, and the pain slowly starts to aggravate. The pain will travel towards the backside, and you’ll have difficulty sleeping at