"Comprehensive Guide to Non-Surgical Regenerative Treatments"


It’s time to change

Nearly 126 million people worldwide have suffered pain for the past three months. Among them, 40 million people undergo pain every day, and 20 million have severe pain that limits their routine activities.

Most people opt for standard traditional treatments such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, and surgeries to eliminate the pain. Unfortunately, these treatments provide relief only for a concise duration. And also may develop serious side effects in long-term use.

For example:

  • NSAIDs and steroids promote joint cartilage loss
  • Opioids prove to be too addictive
  • NSAIDs increase the risk of heart attack, kidney failure, stroke, and gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Corticosteroid injections increase the risk of infection, promote further degeneration of weakened tissues, and increase sugar levels in your body
  • Surgeries also lead to more degeneration, followed by the possibility of joint replacement in five years
  • Joint replacement increases the risk of infection, clotting, stroke, and heart attack
  • Surgeries for knee ACL torn repair can result in severe arthritis in the future
  • Even the lumbar fusion for low back pain proves to be ineffective

Hence, it is time to look for safer, better, and newer treatments. Here comes interventional non-surgical regenerative treatment to get rid of your ailments. This article aims to go through this branch of revolutionary medicine in detail.

What is interventional non-surgical regenerative orthopaedics?

Interventional non-surgical regenerative orthopaedics is a natural, innovative, and the best alternative to traditional treatment methods, including surgery. This field of medicine aims to treat various musculoskeletal injuries and degenerative conditions.

Unlike other treatment methods, non-surgical regenerative medicine uses your body’s healing cells to heal the damaged tissue and revive normal function naturally. The healing cells include platelets, growth factors, and stem cells. In regenerative medicine, these cells are derived from your body, concentrated, and delivered to the injury site for natural healing.

Who is Medica Stem Cells Clinic?

Medica Stem Cells is a non-surgical regenerative medicine centre that aims to relieve your pain permanently and get you back to the things you love as quickly as possible. At Medica Stem Cells Clinic, we specialise in creating personalised treatment plans backed by extensive published research according to your unique needs.

Our team is proud to work with the most advanced diagnostic tools, leaving no stone unturned. Your evaluation process with us may include CT Scans, MRI scans, X-Rays, and a complete medical history – in short, whatever it takes to get to the root of your symptoms. Once we have established the cause of your pain, we can offer a wide range of interventions to tackle it.

Today, Medica Stem Cells Clinic is the largest non-surgical regenerative medicine centre in Ireland, where more than 50,000 procedures have been performed as of 2022. This number anyway continues to increase every day. Our branches are in the UK, Ireland, India, the US and UAE.



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